This page provides contact details for Building Regulations.

Within Northern Ireland, district councils are responsible for a number of the functions set out in Building Regulations. These functions are carried out by the council’s Building Control Department.

If you are seeking information about an application for Building Control approval, or if you have a question about enforcement of Building Regulations, please contact your local district council.

Since 2015, councils have been responsible for drawing up local development plans, making the majority of planning decisions, and shaping how their area grows and develops in ways that respond to the needs of the communities they serve. If you have a question about planning matters it should be addressed to the planning office.

The Department of Finance  is responsible for the development and the implementation of policy and legislation relating to the Building Regulations for Northern Ireland. Building Standards Branch (BSB) delivers this function on behalf of the Department.

Building Standards Branch
Properties Division
Department of Finance
Ground Floor
Goodwood House
44-58 May Street
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