Members sought for the Northern Ireland Building Regulations Advisory Committee

Date published: 24 June 2019

The Department of Finance has launched a public appointment competition to recruit eight members to the Northern Ireland Building Regulations Advisory Committee (NIBRAC).

This follows the recent appointment of Mabel Higgins to her first term as Chair of NIBRAC.

Mabel Higgins, explained why she applied to join NIBRAC: “Becoming part of NIBRAC means I can not only keep up to date with future changes in the Building Regulations, but I can use the experience I have gained to make a positive contribution to an influential committee.

“I would urge anyone interested to find out more and not to let any lack of previous experience of the public appointment system put them off applying.” 

Applicants must have proven and current experience in at least one of the following disciplines:

  • Architecture
  • Building regulation enforcement
  • Building services, engineering & energy
  • Building surveying
  • Construction (domestic)
  • Construction (non-domestic)
  • Fire safety, fire protection and fire safety engineering
  • Structural engineering

One member will be selected from each of these areas of expertise. Other selection criteria apply.

Women, people with disabilities and people from ethnic minority communities have previously been under-represented on NIBRAC.  Applications from members of these groups would be particularly welcome, although the same criteria will apply to all applicants. 

The closing date for applications is 5 July 2019. Further information on the positions can be found at

Notes to editors: 

1. NIBRAC is a statutory body set up under Article 4 of the Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) Order 1979, to advise the Department on the amendment of Building Regulations and on other associated matters.  Further information about NIBRAC can be accessed at Northern Ireland Building Regulations Advisory Committee.

2. The Chair and members of NIBRAC do not receive remuneration, but they can claim back reasonable expenses incurred during their work for the Committee.

3. The appointment of the Members is made in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland’s Code of Practice. 

4. All appointments will be made on merit and political activity will play no part in the selection process. However, the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland requires the political activity of appointees to be published when their appointment is announced.  

5. All media queries to Department of Finance Press Office on 028 90 816724 or 028 90 816895. Out of office hours please contact the Duty Press Officer on 028 90 378110 and your call will be returned.

6. Follow us on Twitter @dptfinance

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