Consultation Proposals for amendment of Technical Booklet Guidance to Part R (Access to and use of buildings) – Changing Places Toilets Provision

Consultation opened on 28 July 2021. Closing date 20 October 2021.


Changing Places toilet (CPT) facilities meet the needs of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities as well as people with other physical disabilities such as spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis.

The Department of Finance carried out a public consultation from 28 July to 20 October 2021 on proposed amendments to Technical Booklet R (Access to and use of buildings) to make provision for Changing Places Toilets.

The amendments will introduce criteria for the provision of Changing Places Toilets in certain in-scope buildings, depending on their type and size in terms of footprint or capacity when larger buildings, commonly visited by the public, are newly built or where a building is formed by a material change of use.

The consultation received a total of 97 responses. The original consultation documents, the final Regulatory Impact Assessment and a summary of the consultation responses and the Department’s post consultation actions can be accessed below.

The Department post consultation actions, taking account of the above consultation documents, have informed the Department’s new Amendments Technical Booklet AMD 8.

An awareness briefing has been prepared and a link to the presentation can be found below


Consultation description

Why we are consulting

DoF is seeking stakeholder views on the proposals to increase the provision of CPTs through the amendment of building regulations technical guidance.

Your views will help to inform the development of final policy proposals prior to the DoF Minister bringing these forward for consideration by the NI Executive and assembly.

An online Construction Industry stakeholder event to inform Industry response, was held on 6 October 2021 from 11.00am to 12 noon.

An awareness briefing can be accessed on You Tube.


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