Consultation on the proposed new Civil Service Compensation Scheme (Northern Ireland)

Consultation opened on 10 July 2013. Closing date 28 October 2013.


In 2013, DFP consulted on the proposed new Civil Service Compensation Scheme (Northern Ireland). This page provides documents relating to that consultation.


Consultation description

This consultation document marked the formal start of the process to introduce new compensation arrangements for staff in the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) and in employments covered by the NICS pension and compensation arrangements.

The proposed new Civil Service Compensation Scheme (Northern Ireland) sets out the level of compensation that employers can pay their staff if they leave under voluntary exit, voluntary redundancy or compulsory redundancy.

The Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) consulted on the proposed new Civil Service Compensation Scheme in Northern Ireland. The document sought views from a range of stakeholders on the DFP preferred approach to delivering a new Civil Service Compensation Scheme in Northern Ireland. This consultation launched on 10 July 2013 and closed on 28 October 2013. 

The Assembly Report provides information about the consultation that took place in relation to a proposed amendment to the CSCS(NI). Specifically, the report outlines:

  • the consultation that took place
  • the steps taken in connection with that consultation with a view to reaching agreement
  • whether such agreement has been reached


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