Civil Service Pension Scheme members are collectively required to contribute 5.6% of pensionable earnings per annum across the whole scheme membership. This is known as the scheme yield. In recent years the actual yield achieved has been below this target at an average of 5.4% of pensionable earnings per annum. This shortfall is not sustainable and needs to be addressed.
- Consultation on Scheme Yield/Member Contributions
- Data Protection Impact Assessment Screening Exercise
- Draft The Public Service (Civil Servants and Others) Pensions (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2025
- DoF Equality Screening Template
- Rural Needs Impact Assessment (RNIA) Template
- Consultation on Scheme Yield/Member Contributions - Response Template
Consultation description
In order to address this shortfall and achieve the required scheme yield of 5.6%, adjustments to the current employee contribution rate structure are necessary. This consultation sets out options for meeting the required scheme yield.
The Department welcomes member and other stakeholder views on the options and recommendation set out in the consultation document.
Ways to respond
CSP Policy, Legislation & Communications Branch
Department of Finance
Orchard House
40 Foyle Street
BT48 6AT