In November 2023 the Department of Finance consulted on seven rates proposals: four in the non-domestic sector and three in the domestic sector.
The consultation process was advertised in the local press and attracted a significant amount of coverage in local and national media, and social media; it launched on 7 November 2023 and the associated summary consultation report was published on 10 September 2024.
- Supplementary Consultation on Domestic Rating Measures - Consultation Paper
- Consultation summary report - Non-domestic and Domestic rating measures to support budget sustainability by raising additional revenue (September 2024)
- Draft Equality Impact Screening Increase of Maximum Capital Value Cap
- Draft Rural Needs Impact Assessment (RNIA) Screening Increase in Maximum Capital Value cap
- Draft Equality Impact Screening Reduction of Early Payment Discount to 2%
- Draft Rural Needs Impact Assessment (RNIA) Screening Reduction in Early Payment Discount to 2%
Consultation description
This supplementary consultation now builds on that process and the feedback provided to the Department.
The two Domestic proposals being looked at by the Department in this supplementary consultation are:
- Increasing the maximum capital value cap (“the cap” or “max cap”) within the domestic rating system from £400,000 to £485,000
- Reduction in the Early Payment Discount from 4% to 2%.
Ways to respond
Write to:
Domestic Rating ConsultationLand & Property Services
Department of Finance
Lanyon Plaza
7 Lanyon Place