Census return rate reaches 97%
Date published:
The vast majority of people here have completed the 2021 Census and the Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) is urging those who have not yet returned their questionnaire to do so as soon as possible.

Census Director Dr David Marshall thanked the public for their participation. “We have had a fantastic response to the 2021 Census with 97% of households returning their questionnaire. This surpasses the last Census in 2011 and will help us deliver an accurate picture of the population.
“We urge anyone who hasn’t yet done so to complete and return a paper Census form now and play their part in helping shape public services for the next decade.
“We have issued reminder letters and paper questionnaires to households which have not returned their Census. Field staff are still on the ground making sure the details collected in the census are accurate. Help shape the future of your area by helping government departments, businesses, charities and other organisations understand what local areas need now and what they are likely to need in the future.
The online portal, which most people used to complete their Census, is now closed. However, there is still time to complete a paper form.
Everyone is required by law to complete the Census and you risk prosecution and could be fined if you do not return your Census.
For more information visit the Census website census.gov.uk/ni or call the Census contact centre on 0800 328 2021.
Notes to editors:
- NISRA field staff are currently carrying out a coverage survey to ensure the statistical information collected in the Census is accurate. The field staff, who carry identification, will work within strict Covid 19 guidelines including wearing face masks, regularly sanitising hands and equipment, maintaining social distancing and never entering any homes.
- Follow the Census on Twitter(external link opens in a new window / tab)
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