Views sought on amending Building Regulations

Date published: 07 September 2020

The Department of Finance has launched a consultation on amending Building Regulations and associated Technical Booklets in relation to external fire spread on buildings.

Road sign which says consultation

Following the Grenfell Tower tragedy and the lessons and findings coming out of the ongoing Public Inquiry, the consultation proposes setting a minimum performance standard for materials which can be used or attached to the external walls of certain types of buildings.

The amendments will provide certainty about the materials to be used in external wall systems for relevant buildings that are being newly constructed, altered, extended or created due to a material change of use.

The consultation seeks views on a range of issues including the types and heights of buildings to which the new standard should apply. The proposed amendments include more detailed definitions of key terms such as ‘external wall’, ‘specified attachment’ and ‘relevant building’.

The Department is also seeking views on amendments to guidance for external fire spread requirements for other buildings and new guidance on desktop studies.

The consultation includes a proposal to reference a more up to date publication containing radon maps showing the probability of radon concentrations in dwellings.

The consultation will run until 9 October 2020 and further details can be found here.

Notes to editors: 


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