594 results
Rates Discount Deadline for Landlords fast approaching
Time is running out for landlords who want to benefit from an available discount on their rate bills.
Public sector Voluntary Exit Schemes to go ahead
Finance Minister Arlene Foster today announced the public sector Voluntary Exit Schemes would go ahead as planned.
Encouraging Report on our Local Housing Market - Foster
Finance Minister Arlene Foster MLA today welcomed an encouraging period in Northern Ireland’s housing market with a...
Devolved administrations call for greater engagement and clarity ahead of Spending Review
Finance Ministers from Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland are calling for greater engagement and clarity from the UK...
Foster welcomes retention of over 200 jobs in Enniskillen
Finance Minister Arlene Foster MLA today welcomed Liberty Insurance’s plans to transfer their contact centre to...
Minecraft Northern Ireland a virtual reality: Foster
Finance Minister Arlene Foster MLA has today launched a Minecraft NI map meaning, for the first time, the game can be...
New procurement pipeline arrangements respond to industry needs: Foster
Advance notice of forthcoming government construction projects will help local industry in planning to compete for...
New thinking needed to Reform our Public Sector: Foster
Finance Minister Arlene Foster, MLA told an international conference in London today that new thinking is needed to...
Budget Reinforces need for Executive Agreement: Foster the need for the Executive to agree a way forward
The Minister welcomed the Chancellor’s commitment to work with all parties to deliver the Stormont House Agreement and...
Further Reductions in External Consultancy Costs - Foster
Finance Minister Arlene Foster MLA has welcomed a 12% decrease in external consultancy costs by government departments...
Engagement with Wales can benefit Northern Ireland: Foster
Finance Minister Arlene Foster said there is much that Northern Ireland and Wales can work on together to benefit both...
Ministers welcome magnificent C Series aircraft to Belfast
Finance Minister Arlene Foster MLA and Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry today welcomed Bombardier’s...
Foster sets out Budget Pressures at Treasury Meeting
Finance Minister Arlene Foster set out the budget pressures facing the Northern Ireland Executive at a meeting with...
Budget Agreement Needed to Safeguard Public Services: Foster
Finance Minister Arlene Foster MLA today told the Assembly, budget agreement was needed to keep delivering public...