Conditions of Contract
The Public Sector Standard Conditions of Contract and Commercial Conditions of Contract for straightforward Supplies, Services and ICT contracts represent best practice and can be used by Centres of Procurement Expertise (CoPEs) but their use is not mandatory.
They consist of a core document - the Public Sector Standard Conditions of Contract (applicable to all contracts), supported by sector specific Commercial Conditions of Contract (for supplies, services and ICT contracts).
The Public Sector Standard Conditions of Contract relate to legal and policy requirements such as TUPE, Freedom of Information, Health and Safety etc. The Commercial Conditions of Contract relate to pricing, delivery, licence terms, indemnity etc. Some conditions require information to be inserted or options to be selected depending on the subject matter of the contract, for example those relating to levels of liability, contract extension periods etc.
Public Sector Standard Conditions of Contract and Commercial Conditions of Contract for Supplies and Services Contracts below £30,000 are also provided.