Framework agreement for the supply of agency workers for the NI public sector

CPD recently awarded a new framework agreement for the supply of agency workers within the Northern Ireland public sector.

Project background

Image representing the Agency Workers framework agreement

The use of agency workers is common through the NI public sector, with many public sector organisations previously establishing their own contracts for the provision of agency workers. 

CPD has now awarded a single collaborative arrangement - aggregating all these contracts under one framework. 

The new agency workers framework agreement, covers 300 job roles, across eleven lots:

  • general job roles
  • accountancy and finance
  • information and communication technology
  • construction
  • professional
  • scientific / medical
  • educational
  • agricultural
  • marine
  • catering and cleaning
  • industrial

CPD Collaborative Procurement team worked closely with Corporate HR with input from all the departmental HR teams, to develop and procure the framework. 

One of the positive aspects of the new arrangement, is that there are three suppliers awarded for each lot, which provides excellent contingency.

Local small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are well represented amongst the suppliers. 

Stakeholder engagement was a key feature of the planning phase for this procurement and included users, user representatives, recruitment agencies, the Industry body and the Inspectorate for recruitment agencies. 

Piloting the 'Buy Social' toolkit

CPD has been working closely with the Strategic Investment Board in recent months to develop and pilot the 'Buy Social' toolkit - with the aim of ensuring the new framework agreement provides 'social benefits' to the local community. 

The framework contractors will be obligated to provide paid job opportunities for the long-term unemployed and those leaving education. For example for the 'general job roles' lot, contractors will be required to recruit a minimum of 15% of Admin Assistant and Admin Officer roles from these groups.

Human rights - pilot approach

The Agency Workers Framework was also identified by CPD as an opportunity to work with the Human Rights Commission, to assess the potential for incorporating Human Rights requirements into public contracts. 

As a result, the framework contractors will be required to have a Human Rights Policy for their organisation, signed off at board level. The framework will also provide the opportunity for clients to survey agency workers on various workforce matters. 

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