Register for email alerts for NI public sector tender opportunities
The eTendersNI portal offers registered suppliers the opportunity to receive automatic email alerts when any NI public sector organisation using the portal is advertising a relevant tender opportunity.
Step one: register now for eTendersNI
To access NI public sector tender opportunities and submit tenders, register now for eTendersNI by visiting the eTendersNI home page.
A Quick Reference Guide to registration is available to assist you.
Step two: select your categories and save to your eTendersNI profile
The next step is to inform eTendersNI of which categories of supplies, services or works are relevant to you, and save these to your profile.
From then onwards your eTendersNI Administrator will receive an email alert when a relevant tender is published.
Follow the instructions in Quick Reference Guide 3 - setting up email alerts for relevant tenders.
For assistance contact the eTendersNI helpdesk on 0800 240 4545.