How to apply for redemption money
A rent owner may apply to the Land Registry to obtain payment of redemption money by lodging:
- a statutory declaration in Form GR3 which is personally signed by the rent owner
- a certified copy of the relevant lease or fee farm grant and
- a solicitor’s certificate in Form GR4 or a statutory declaration by an estate agent in Form GR5
The application forms and accompanying can be found in the link below:
Ground rents search at the Land Registry
Under the Ground Rents Act you can search the Registry records for any redemption money held on behalf of landlords for distribution under the relevant rules.
Form GR6 is an application for a search to be carried out by the applicant. This is known as a Personal Search.
Form GR7 is an application for an Official Search to be carried out by the Land Registry staff. If an official search is carried out a certificate showing the result will be issued by the Land Registry in the format shown in form GR8.
The fees for the searches are currently:
- Personal search in the Register kept under the Ground Rents Act - £2.00
- Official search in the Register kept under the Ground Rents Act - £15.00