Building (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 and Building (Amendment No.2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006

Consultation opened on 30 March 2005. Closing date 08 July 2005.


These Regulations amend the Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000. Parts F, L and R were replaced. New Tables were substituted in Schedule 5 to insert updated deemed-to-satisfy references. Consequential amendments were made to Part A and minor amendments made to Parts B and V and Table E to Schedule 5.


Consultation description

Part F - Conservation of fuel and power

The main elements introduced by the amendment to Part F of the Building Regulations and to the deemed-to-satisfy provisions were:

  • introduce a "Whole Building Approach" based on the calculated energy performance of buildings using defined national calculation methodologies
  • set energy performance requirements that achieve a reduction in carbon emissions of up to 40 per cent on current standards
  • introduce a requirement to consider the installation of alternative energy sources such as CHP and renewable energy systems in large buildings (over 1000m²)
  • require the upgrading of energy performance in large existing buildings (over 1000m²) undergoing major refurbishment, and
  • require the production of an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for all new buildings

Part L - Heat producing appliances and liquefied petroleum gas installations

The main elements introduced by the amendment to Part L of the Building Regulations and the deemed-to-statisfy provisons were:

  • updated requirements for air supply
  • discharge of products of combustion
  • protection of the building and fuel storage
  • provisions for European technical specifications for products that will co-exist with but will ultimately replace existing national standards, and
  • updated references to publications that are deemed-to-satisfy the Regulations

Part L has been renamed "Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems".

Part R - Access and facilities for disabled people

The main elements introduced by the amendment to Part R of the Building Regulations and to the deemed-to-satisfy provisions, in relation to buildings other than dwellings, were:

  • removal of the limit on application which exempted certain existing buildings from the requirements of Part R
  • the application of Part R to a material change of use where the building would become a hotel or boarding house, an institution, a public building or a shop
  • a major re-ordering and overhaul of the provisions of Sections 2 to 6 of Technical Booklet R to reflect the recommendations of BS 8300:2001 - Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people - Code of Practice, and
  • broadening the references in the Technical Booklets to include all people, including parents with children, elderly people and people with disabilities

Part R has been renamed "Access to and use of buildings".

The amendment, supported by new Technical Booklets F1, F2, L and R, was made on 31 August 2006 and came into operation on 30 November 2006.

This consultation is closed.


Changes to the Regulations

These Regulations made minor amendments to Part A of the Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 to clarify the application of Part F (Conservation of fuel and power) and Part L (Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems). 

In addition to the changes to Part A, definitions were transferred from Part F to Part A. Regulation 3 (application of certain regulations to existing buildings) of the Building (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 was revoked.

The amendment was made on 9 November 2006 and came into operation on 30 November 2006.




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