Contact details for areas within Department of Finance Accountability and Financial Management Division are listed below.
Financial Reporting Branch (FRB)
Queries on accountancy and Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) Exposure Drafts to Kathryn Allen:
- email:
- telephone: 028 9081 6730 (GTN 76730)
Public Audit and Accountability Branch (PAAB)
General queries to Julie Sewell at:
- email:
- telephone: 028 9081 6792 (GTN 76792)
Government Accounts Branch (GAB)
General queries to Joanne Warnock at:
- email:
- telephone: 028 9081 6898 (GTN 76798)
or Bronagh McAllister at:
- email: Bronagh McAllister
- telephone: 028 90816852 (GTN 76852)