Prime rates - NI Reval2023

Date published: 10 March 2023

The document below shows the prime rates for NI Reval2023.


Explanatory notes

  1. This spreadsheet is not the Valuation List.
  2. Main rate per square metre for shops, offices, warehouses and factories.
    - This spreadsheet shows only the prime rate used to value shops, offices, warehouses and factories.
    - These properties are valued by applying a unit price per m2 to the internal floor space of different parts of the building.
    - The prime rate displayed here applies only to the part of the property which incurs the highest £/m2, not necessarily the largest element of the NAV.
    For example, for a shop this is the part on the ground floor immediately behind the window display - typically known as Zone A.
  3. The data in this document is presented in ascending District Council order. The spreadsheet has filters, allowing sorting and searching on each field.
  4. Every property has a unique LPS Property ID. This can be found on the second page of a rate bill, or by searching the LPS Valuation List. You can search the Non Domestic Valuation List.
  5. This data set is a snapshot of the Main Rate £/m2 as at 10 March 2023
  6. You can contact your local Valuation Regional Office by e-mail
    - Property valuation contacts
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