Raising a Concern Policy Framework
Date published:
Last updated:
The Raising a Concern Policy Framework (which can be found at the bottom of this web page) sets out at a high level how Departments will address concerns raised with them. This document is intended as a framework within which each Department will align its own policy. This will ensure a consistency of approach in line with good practice.
Anyone who wishes to raise a concern should contact the relevant Department:
Next Steps
Following publication of the Raising a Concern Policy Framework:
- Departments will update their guidance on raising concerns in line with the new framework.
- All Departments will nominate a Designated Officer responsible for overseeing the handling of concerns, including maintaining a record, and reporting to their departmental Audit and Risk Assurance Committee on a regular basis.
- Training will be rolled out across all departments to ensure that there is a shared understanding of their role in dealing with concerns raised by staff or members of the public.
- A Designated Officers’ Forum will be established to discuss common issues around the raising and handling of concerns and to ensure system-wide learning.
- The NICS Board will commission an annual report from the Designated Officers’ Forum on the concerns being raised across departments, in order to monitor trends and identify ways for system-wide improvements.
- The Group Internal Audit Service will complete audits within all nine Departments to ensure the Raising Concerns framework is adequate and effective to manage the concerns raised.
- Raising a Concern Policy Framework
- Raising a Concern - Designated Officers' Forum - Minutes November 2024
- Raising a Concern - Designated Officers' Forum - Minutes September 2024
- Raising a Concern - Designated Officers' Forum - Minutes June 2024
- Raising a Concern – Designated Officers’ Forum – Minutes December 2023
- Raising a Concern - Designated Officers' Forum - Minutes September 2023
- Raising a Concern - Designated Officers’ Forum - Minutes June 2023
- Raising a Concern - Designated Officers' Forum - Minutes April 2023
- Raising a Concern - Designated Officers' Forum - Terms of Reference