NI Reval2026
Land & Property Services (LPS) is revaluing all non-domestic properties in Northern Ireland for business rates. This is known as NI Reval2026.
At revaluation, LPS adjusts the rateable value of business properties to reflect changes in the property market. This autumn LPS will revalue over 74,000 business properties to ensure business rates stay up-to-date and reflect local economic changes.
The last revaluation of non-domestic properties in Northern Ireland was in 2023 and was based on October 2021 rental values. Once NI Reval2026 is complete, the rateable values will be in line with property rental values as at 1 April 2024. These values will be used to calculate rate bills from 1 April 2026.
Contact the NI Reval2026 team
If you haven’t received an invitation to complete a questionnaire or want to get in contact with the team, you can do so by email.
Key dates
- 8 April 2024: Questionnaires begin issuing to businesses
- 31 December 2024: Deadline for questionnaires to be completed
- 1 April 2026: New rate bills issued based on April 2024 rental values