Gateway Review Teams & Charges

This page explains how the Gateway Review Teams are selected and the associated charges.


Gateway reviews for programmes and projects are carried out by a team of accredited internal and external reviewers. The structure of the Review Team varies depending on the nature of the review. The overall costs are calculated from a Commercial Delivery Group (CDG) charge and external reviewer costs.

Review Teams

Gateway reviews are conducted by independent and impartial review teams. These teams are composed of a Review Team Leader (RTL) and one or more Review Team Members (RTM). These positions can be filled by either internal NICS Gateway reviewers or by external consultants.

The number of reviewers, and the skillsets required are determined at the Assessment Meeting between the Project team and the Departmental Assurance Coordinator (DAC). The DAC is responsible for appointing the review team after the Assessment Meeting.

External reviewers charge a daily rate for their services, while internal reviewers have no associated charge. However, internal reviewers are subject to availability.


The cost of a Gateway review can vary depending on the number of external appointments and the length of the review (most are 3-days, but some can be 4-days). There is also a CDG charge for the facilitation of the Gateway process.

For further information and estimated costs please contact

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