Internal business use
Anyone wishing to reproduce any work covered by the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended) (the “Act”) should take all reasonable steps to identify the copyright owner of the material and to obtain permission to make reproductions.
Before copying any map which does not bear the legend “© Crown copyright” but which resembles an OSNI branded map, or where the copyright is not readily identifiable, IPR Branch will always be pleased to advise on the origin of the map.
Crown Copyright protects any information portrayed by Crown employees on OSNI branded based material (maps of Northern Ireland produced by LPS and any information supplied by other government departments on OSNI branded based material).
If you use in-copyright OSNI branded material or maps based upon in-copyright OSNI branded material or OSNI branded digital map data without the permission of LPS, you are acting in breach of the “Act” and infringing the copyright in LPS work. LPS may take civil action.
The terms and conditions for the use of OSNI branded digital map data are available from IPR branch.
If you wish to copy OSNI branded material for publishing purposes please refer to the LPS publishing forms which are available from IPR Branch or this site. By publishing, LPS means sheet maps, books, journals, brochures, leaflets, catalogues (this list should not be seen as exhaustive) whether they are for sale or free distribution.
If other people ask you to reproduce those parts of your publication containing OSNI branded material or material based on OSNI branded material you must ensure that they have obtained written permission from LPS.
Any information you give LPS will be treated as confidential, unless LPS are required to reveal that information by law.
LPS has extended the content of the Internal Business Use Licence so that it can now be used for making copies of OSNI branded maps for submission to:
- the Planning Office
- Land Registry
- building control
- property vending
- court proceedings
All aspects of copying LPS/OSNI branded material for internal business use can be found in the link below:
Note: charges shown in this price list and elsewhere on this site are subject to alteration without notice but will be reviewed in March of every year.
Publishing or reprinting
If you wish to publish or reprint a publication based directly or indirectly on OSNI branded material or to copy such material in the revision of a publication you must apply to LPS for permission.
The granting of permission in all cases will be subject to the terms and conditions as set out in the permit.
All aspects of copying LPS/OSNI branded material for publishing can be found in the link below:
Note: charges shown in this price list and elsewhere on this site are subject to alteration without notice but will be reviewed in March of every year and are subject to VAT.
Digital licensing
LPS / OSNI digital licensing material is now available on-line. Digital data can now be supplied via a download or by DVD/CD after the ordering process is completed.
You may also use the relevant Digital forms in the link below:
Note: charges shown in this price list and elsewhere on this site are subject to alteration without notice but will be reviewed in March of every year.