Sunday is Census Day!

Date published: 19 March 2021

Census Day (Sunday 21st March) is here. It’s your opportunity to be counted and shape the future of your local community.

Director of Census, Dr David Marshall and Shauna Dunlop Census Engagement Team remind everyone to complete their Census questionnaire by Census Day on 21st March

Encouraging people to complete the Census, Dr David Marshall, Census Director says: “The data the Census collects helps influence where essential resources, funding and services will be focused over the next decade.  It’s really important everyone takes part as the information gathered helps with the planning of healthcare, education, housing, infrastructure and much more.

“We have already had a really encouraging response. So far eight out of ten households are choosing to complete their Census online which is great. The option is available to complete the Census on paper too. If you need a little extra help, there are a wide range of language and accessibility support available.”

David adds: “Everyone is required by law to complete the Census and by doing so, you will help government departments, businesses, charities and other organisations understand what our local areas need now and what they are likely to need in the future.”

For more information and help on how to complete the Census visit or call the Census contact centre on 0800 328 2021.

Notes to editors: 

  1. Census packs have been posted to 840,000 addresses across Northern Ireland (letters with access codes or paper forms). If no pack has been delivered then the public should go online to  or call the contact centre 0800 328 2021 to order their census pack.
  2. Census 21 is a digital first form and the majority of people are expected to complete online.  Householders also have the option to complete a paper census. A paper form can be ordered by calling 0800 328 2021. Our Census team is also available to advise anyone who needs additional support to fill in their Census. 
  3. There is a range of accessibility and language support available on  This includes an easy read information leaflet, information videos in British and Irish Sign Language with voiceover and subtitles and details on how to order a large print questionnaire or Braille guidance booklet. 
  4. We have information leaflets and translation booklets available online in 17 languages at and a dedicated Language Line for additional language support is also available at 0800 587 2021.
  5. Follow the Census @NICensus2021
  6. Media enquiries should be addressed to the Department of Finance Press Office on Tel: 028 9081 6724 or email
  7. Follow us on Twitter @dptfinance
  8. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service For Media Enquiries Only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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