Account NI invoice processes
Account NI’s preferred method of payment is directly to a bank account via BACs. This is a more secure and convenient method than cheque for both Account NI and suppliers and we would encourage you to provide your bank details and avail of it.
You can ask for BACS payment to be made by emailing the following details or through the relevant Departmental contact:
- bank or building society name and address
- account name
- account number
- sort code
- building society roll number (if applicable)
- remittance email address
You will receive a remittance advice by email or post. We make payments every working day and the advice will be sent out on the day after we make the payment. Where possible payments are made by BACs and will take a minimum of three days to arrive in your account.
In order to ensure a prompt payment, make sure you:
- send your invoice to the correct address
- ensure your invoice has valid characteristics
Account NI has taken steps to reduce invoice processing times to within 10 days of receipt of invoice for goods and services. Invoices are paid as soon as they have been fully authorised and quality assured by the departmental officials. This applies to all suppliers of goods and services but our existing contractual terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Yearly NICS prompt payment tables are available to view.
Suppliers can have orders emailed directly to them, this can be requested by emailing details to or contacting the relevant ordering Department directly to update details on Account NI system.
Please contact AccountNI if you have any further queries.