2685 publications
How to request a reference from a contracting authority
References are important for suppliers, especially for SME suppliers seeking to grow their businesses.
Compensation calculator - step by step examples
Step by step examples including full-time, nuvos/alpha, full-time and lower paid protection, tapering and full-time and full-time, upper pay limit and transfer in service.
2018/19 Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) and accounts proformas
This section contains the 2018-19 Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) and illustrative accounts proformas.
Collaborative Procurement Pipeline
View the most recent Collaborative Procurement Pipeline provided by Construction & Procurement Delivery (CPD) below.
DoF Information Access Requests Privacy Notice
The Privacy Notice in the link explains how DoF uses information about you and the ways in which we will safeguard your data.
The Public Service Pensions (Valuations and Employer Cost Cap) (Amendment) Directions (Northern Ireland) 2018 – consultation with the Government Actuary
In accordance with section 11(4) of the Public Service Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 2014, the Department of Finance has a responsibility to consult with the Government Actuary before Directions are made.That exchange can be found...
The Public Service Pensions (Valuations and Employer Cost Cap) (Amendment) Directions (Northern Ireland) 2018
Under the Public Service Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 2014, the Department of Finance (DoF) has responsibility to deliver Directions on actuarial valuations and cost control to Northern Ireland departments with responsibility for the devolved public...
The Public Service Pensions (Valuations and Employer Cost Cap) (Amendment) Directions (Northern Ireland) 2018 - response to consultation
Departmental response to the consultation on the Public Service Pensions (Valuations and Employer Cost Cap) (Amendment) Directions (Northern Ireland) 2018.
S75 Policy Screening - Cost Cap Floor Breach Rectification and Adjustments to Employee Pension Contributions Nov 18
The attached policy screening documents relate to proposals to rectify the cost cap floor breach of 4.9% identified in the provisional valuation results for the Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Schemes as at 31 March...
Land Registry forms
Land Registry forms.
Departmental responses - 2018
This section contains departmental responses to NIAO reports - presented in 2018. The most recent publication is ‘The financial health of schools’.
LPS Annual reports and accounts
Please use the links below to see Annual reports and accounts from 2015.
DoF Direction - Under Article 69A of the Social Security Pensions (Northern Ireland) Order 1975 - December 2018
Direction by the Department of FinanceThe Department of Finance made a revised direction under 69A of the Social Security Pensions (Northern Ireland) Order 1975. The Direction continues existing indexation provisions for public service pension scheme...
General issues highlighted in responses to NIAO reports
This section contains general lessons of wider application to the NICS and public sector contained in responses to NIAO reports (departmental responses) issued in 2018.
In-year monitoring of public expenditure - 2017-18
The in-year monitoring process provides a formal system for reviewing spending plans and priorities in each financial year in light of the most up-to-date position. It is designed to aid good financial management and ensure...
Further contract information for postal services arrangement
In this section, view and download further contract information for users of the contract for postal services.
Finance Director letters (FDs) 2018
This page lists current FDs issued by DoF in 2018. The letters are listed in reverse chronological order. The most recent publication is FD (DoF) 09/18 - pay remit approval process and guidance 2018-19.
User protocol information for postal services arrangement
In this section, view and download user protocol information for users of the contract for postal services.
Record of the Thirteenth Meeting of the NICSPB - 26 June 2018
Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Board (NICSPB) meeting notes.
Rectification guidance
This document provides some general guidance on common rectification and amendment situations.