The Land Registry map

Find out information about the Land Registry map.

What the Land Registry map shows

The Land Registry map indicates the location of registered holdings as described in the Folios but does not guarantee boundaries.

The accuracy of the boundaries given in the document is the responsibility of the applicant. Land Registry’s role is to ensure that the Registry map shows the accurate location of the properties as described in documents lodged for registration.

Article 64 of the Land Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 provides that the description of land on the registry map (unless otherwise stated) is not conclusive as to the boundaries or extent of the land. However, boundaries can be made conclusive when all parties agree and the procedure set out in Rule 144 of the Land Registration Rules (NI) 1994 is followed.  

Types of application lodged 

Various types of applications can be lodged in the Land Registry resulting in either new detail being mapped on the digital map for the first time, and/or the editing or deletion of existing mapped detail. 

Examples include:

  • an application for ‘First Registration’. This type of application creates a new folio for the applicant’s client(s). The Title to this land has never been registered before and therefore a new folio will be mapped onto the digital map for the first time.
  • an application relating to the grant of an ‘Easement’. This type of application results in the creation of new mapped rights on the Registry map.
  • a ‘Transfer of Part’ application. This type of application requires part of an existing folio or folios to be transferred into a separate new folio(s). This could occur when an owner sells part of his land and involves the editing of an existing folio(s) on the map and the creation of a new folio(s).

All of the applications above will result in changes being made to the digital map.

The map in the link below is an example of a Land Registry map. Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland® (OSNI)® base data eg buildings, symbols (trees, churches etc), street names, roads and railway lines are shown with the addition of superimposed Land Registry detail. The Land Registry detail is shown by the use of various colourings, edgings, and text points.

Cautionary notes for map users

  1. the map is for location purposes only (see Rule 141(1) of the Land Registration Rules (Northern Ireland) 1994 as amended by paragraph 19 of the Schedule to the Amendment Rules 2000).
  2. folio boundaries are not guaranteed (see Section 64 of the Land Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 1970).
  3. the co-incidence of Land Registry markings and OSNI features may have been affected by revisions of the OSNI map subsequent to registration.

Rectification of a boundary

Where a boundary has been incorrectly recorded due to an act or omission on the part of the registered owner or a third party, the Registrar will expect the applicant to obtain the consent of all interested parties, including charge owners. The application should be accompanied by an explanatory letter, a Form 100, headed “Rectification”, and the rectification fee.

Boundary amendments

If parties wish to amend a registration entry or a boundary, and all necessary parties (including charge owners) are in agreement, an application for registration can be lodged.  This may take a number of forms eg a Rectifying Transfer, a Deed of Variation, a Boundary Agreement, a Deed of Exchange. All relevant documents including consents should be properly witnessed and be accompanied by Form 100 and a registration fee.

If you are unsure about the format of the document, you can lodge a draft application for approval beforehand, together with a Form 100 and the appropriate fee.





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