User information session - UK House Price Index
As part of the ongoing development of the UK House Price Index (HPI), a regional workshop presenting the methodology changes to the Northern Ireland index took place on Friday 11 March 2016. Please see the links below for the:
Changes to the current ONS and Land Registry House Price Index were discussed at the UK workshop, which took place in London on 30 March 2016. More information is available at:
User consultation - UK House Price Index consultation
The Office of National Statistics (ONS) consulted on the proposal to produce a single, official UK HPI between 7 October and 12 December 2014.
ONS, Land Registry, Registers of Scotland and Land & Property Services collaborated on developing a new methodology and have taken views of users on the proposed methodology. Users responded to the consultation either on line or by attending one of the four regional workshops. The Northern Ireland event was held on 13 November 2014.
The official response to the user consultation can be found in the link below:
Previous user consultation
The first user consultation was held on 20 February 2013. It was focused on key users and included economic commentators, media correspondents, members of the business community and government policy users. More information can be found in the link below:
Contact us
Responsible Statistician: Ciara Cunningham