Land & Property Services (LPS) data available online
Land & Property Services (LPS) publish data online. Some of this information has been summarised and linked below.
1. Lone Pensioner Allowance and Disabled Person's Allowance Statistics
Land & Property Services (LPS) process applications from ratepayers for Lone Pensioner Allowance (LPA) and Disabled Person's Allowance (DPA). These statistics provide information on the number of persons and net amount awarded each year in Northern Ireland.
Published on DoF website
Published Open Data NI
2. Property Vacancy Rates by District Council and Sector
Property vacancy rates tables relate to those properties recorded as vacant on the LPS rating system. This information provides data for a point in time and is updated quarterly.
This data is provided by domestic*, non-domestic and overall totals. Mixed properties (a property that is a mix of domestic and non-domestic) are included within the non-domestic totals.
*Note, the domestic property numbers provided in these tables are counted differently from the housing stock figures for Northern Ireland because caravans, domestic garages, domestic stores, car parking spaces are included in this domestic property count and mixed properties are excluded.
Published Open Data NI
3. NI House Price Index
The Northern Ireland House Price Index is designed to provide a measure of change in the price of a residential property sold in Northern Ireland. The report is updated quarterly and contains information on the average property price and number of sales as well as the index value.
This includes breakdown by property type, new and existing resold dwellings; urban and rural areas; local government districts and annual median prices by LGD, district electoral area and electoral ward.
Published on DoF website
Published Open Data NI
- NI House Price Index by Property Type
- NI Annual Descriptive House Price Statistics LGD Level
- NI Annual Descriptive House Price Statistics Electoral Ward Level
- NI House Price Index - Mean Median Standardisded Price
4. New Dwellings Commencement and Completions Statistics
The New Dwellings Commencement and Completions statistics provide a count of new dwellings started and completed in each local government district across Northern Ireland. This data is based on the council building control starts and completions data.
Published on DoF website
Published Open Data NI
5. Housing Stock Statistics
The Housing Stock statistics provide a count of domestic dwellings (excluding caravans, domestic stores and lock-up garages) in each local government district across Northern Ireland at the beginning of April each year 2008 to 2023.
Published on DoF website
Published Open Data NI
6. Valuation Lists
Valuation lists offer the facility to find the Capital Value of domestic property and the Net Annual Value (NAV) of non-domestic property for rating purposes.
Published on DoF website
7. OSNI Spatial NI
Spatial NI is Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland’s web mapping platform. It provides access to not only Ordnance Survey’s authoritative mapping data, but other geospatial information from multiple providers across the public sector. The free to use, web accessible mapping application allows you to view a range of information on a map.
The Spatial NI map gallery provides access to public sector mapping applications on a wide range of topics that impact or influence our daily lives.
8. OSNI Open Data
OSNI have released a range of data products as open data which are free to download, use and share with an Open Data Licence from Open Data NI.
Published Open Data NI
9. Annual End of Year Rating Debt by District Council and Sector
Annual End of Year Rating Debt tables relate to debt values and the number of occupancies* in debt at the 31 March each year as recorded on the LPS rating system.
The information provided is at a point in time and the tables are updated annually.
*An occupancy represents a liable person, persons, business or organisation at a property at a given time.
Published Open Data NI
10. LPS Call handling performance and office visits statistics
LPS collect, process and manage land and property information, which underpins the collection of rates, these tables provide data on LPS Call handling and LPS Offices in-person visits.
Published Open Data NI
11. Information Requests
The Freedom of Information on Act 2000 and Environmental Information on Regulations 2004 provide public access to information on held by public authorities.
These tables include data on the number of Information requests received by LPS relating to Freedom of Information; Environmental Information Requests and Subject Access Requests.
Published Open Data NI
12. Complaints and MP/ MLA Correspondence
These tables include LPS data on the number of complaints and MP/ MLA correspondence received.
Published Open Data NI
13. Town Centre Database
The Town Centre database is produced by the Department for Communities and includes LPS valuation data.