Strategic Policy and Reform

SPaR is responsible for strategic economic, finance, taxation and climate policy within the Department of Finance (DoF), alongside enabling the transformation and reform of public services.

SPaR aims to:

  • Provide analysis and advice on relevant economic policy matters.
  • Provide advice and guidance on the Executive’s pay policy.
  • Developing policy and supporting the Finance Minister and Executive in negotiating a final fiscal framework for Northern Ireland.
  • Negotiate a long-term settlement with the Government on Northern Ireland’s level of need and funding formula.
  • Oversee the delivery of the flagship EU/UK PEACE PLUS programme and lead cross-departmental engagement on EU replacement funding and UKG Levelling Up funding streams.
  • Lead the Department’s response to the Windsor Framework and regulatory divergence issues.
  • Lead the Department’s response to the NI Climate Change Act and UK Covid-19 Inquiry.
  • Provide a range of professional consultancy, innovation and library services to support public sector reform.
  • Co-ordinate, lead and engage on the development of an approach to public service transformation.


Strategic Policy and Reform Directorate consists of five Divisions:

Climate Change and Covid Inquiry Division (CCCID)

Climate Change and Covid Inquiry Division (CCCID) is responsible for leading, supporting and coordinating the departmental input to the Green Growth agenda and Climate Action Plan.  CCCID also leads on the departmental response to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, ensuring the Department meets its statutory responsibilities in responding to the UK wide Covid- 9 Inquiry. In addition, CCCID has a role in developing the policy directions to ensure the effective allocation of dormant funds. Further information on CCCID can be found at the below link.

Fiscal Policy Division (FPD)

Fiscal Policy Division is responsible for developing policy to support the Finance Minister and Executive in negotiating a final fiscal framework for Northern Ireland. FPD will also support departments on the broader reform agenda, specifically relating to Transformation, Budget Sustainability and Budget Management Tools not related to fiscal devolution. Further information on FPD can be found at the below link.

Innovation and Consultancy Services (ICS)

Innovation and Consultancy Services (ICS) provide a range of professional consultancy and innovation services to the public sector, previously delivered separately by Business Consultancy Services (BCS) and the Innovation Lab. It also covers the NICS Library Service. Further information on ICS can be found at the below link.

Strategic Finance Division (SFD)

SFD has a wide remit on funding policy and EU exit matters including the development and delivery of the flagship EU/UK PEACE PLUS programme, the implementation of EU Structural & Investment Fund Programmes relating to NI and joint sponsorship (with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Dublin) of the Special EU Programmes Body. It also leads on cross-departmental engagement on EU replacement funding and UKG Levelling Up funding streams, and the managing divergence including the response to the Retained EU Law Bill and aspects of the Protocol and Windsor Framework. Further information on SFD can be found at the below link.

Strategic Policy Division (SPD)

SPD provides economic policy briefing, research, analysis and advice to key stakeholders. The Division is the sponsor body for the independent Fiscal Council is also responsible for the management and development of the Northern Ireland Civil Service Economist Group. SPD leads on the development of business case guidance and training, providing advice on expenditure appraisal to Northern Ireland Departments, their agencies and arms-length bodies. The division also has a role in determining public sector pay policy and guidance. Further information on SPD can be found at the below link.

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