Remedy Pension Savings Statement (Remedy PSS)
The Remedy PSS is a one-off statement for members affected by the 2015 Remedy (McCloud)
Watch our video explaining your Remedy PSS
This video will guide you through the information shown on your statement, and the action you will need to take to fulfil any tax obligations you may have. You will find further additional supporting information below within this page.
Will I receive a Remedy PSS?
We will send a Remedy Pension Savings Statement (Remedy PSS) to you by 6 October 2024 if you are affected by the 2015 Remedy (McCloud) and in any year during the Remedy Period or the 2022/2023 tax year you have:
- Exceeded the Annual Allowance; and/or
- Previously exceeded the Annual Allowance but now no longer do so post ‘rollback’; or
- You have requested a Remedy PSS - read on for further information
Your Remedy PSS explained
Your Remedy PSS provides important information about the growth of the defined benefit part of Civil Service Pensions NI in relation to:
- The Remedy Period, which has been calculated under the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme NI [PCSPS(NI)]; and
- The 2022/2023 tax year, which has been calculated under the PCSPS(NI) and alpha scheme.
While you may have received one or more PSS for some or all these years previously, it is likely that your past pension input figures have now changed due to being rolled back into your Legacy scheme for the Remedy Period.
It’s essential that you review the information in your Remedy PSS to determine if you've exceeded the Annual Allowance for these periods or a past Annual Allowance charge needs to be amended.
Please note that the format of your Remedy PSS, and what you need to do, is different from what you may be familiar with as it provides pension input figures for your personal Tax Assessment for multiple years.
You will find further information about your Remedy PSS and what you will need to do in the Remedy PSS Guide.
If you had a club transfer (from another Public Service Pension Scheme) into the alpha scheme over the Remedy Period these benefits have not been rolled back as we need further information from your previous Public Service Pension Scheme.
Any Scheme Pays debits or EPA Pension accruals over the Remedy period have not been included in the PIAs as this information is not needed to calculate and address any potential change in tax liability.
If you are due to receive a 2023/2024 Pensions Savings Statement (PSS) this will be sent to you at the same time as your Remedy PSS by 6 October 2024 but it will require you to take different action from what we have detailed here, more information can be found on the Non-Remedy Pension Savings Statement webpage.
What to expect
This short guide explains what you need to know and do.
HMRC Public Service Pension Adjustment Service
Once you have received your Remedy PSS, you will need to use the HMRC Calculate Your Public Service Pension Adjustment Service to check your tax liability in the past tax years it covers from 2015/2016 to 2022/2023 (inclusive).
HMRC has provided an information video on what you will need and guidance on the questions you will be asked which can be accessed on the HMRC website link above.
Work out your tax liability
To work out if you have a change in tax liability in the Remedy Period and/or a tax charge for the 2022/23 tax year, you will need to use the Pension Input Amount (PIA) information we’ve provided in your Remedy Pension Savings Statement (Remedy PSS) along with HMRC’s Calculate Your Public Service Pension Adjustment Service.
If you have exceeded your Annual Allowance for any of the years covered (having factored in any unused Annual Allowance from preceding years as well as any other Public Service Pensions you may also have), or need to change a past Annual Allowance charge, you must use the HMRC Calculate Your Public Service Pension Adjustment Service to submit your PIAs to HMRC.
HMRC Pension Adjustment Calculator
If you need any help with using the calculator, please contact HMRC:
Call: 0300 123 1079 and select the ‘Public Service Pensions Remedy’ Option
Remember you should not report the information for the periods provided in your Remedy PSS through Self Assessment.
The deadline for making any submissions to HMRC for the period covered by your Remedy PSS is 31 January 2025 for most members. Where members were pensioners or deceased on 1 October 2023, this deadline is extended to 31 January 2027.
If you have tax charges to pay
You should follow HMRC guidelines for paying any tax due once HMRC or the Civil Service Pensions (NI) has contacted you. You can choose to pay either directly to HMRC using their self-service facility, or by using Scheme Pays.
If your tax liability has reduced
If there is an adjustment for the years between 2015/2016 and 2018/2019, HMRC will assess the data you’ve submitted and provide information to Civil Service Pensions (NI) regarding any compensation due. If the adjustment is for the years between 2019/2020 and 2022/2023, it will be checked and processed by HMRC.
You do not need to take any further action if you have not exceeded your Annual Allowance in the 2022/2023 tax year and, if in the Remedy Period, you:
- Did not previously pay a tax charge and your revised pension input figures mean you are still within the Annual Allowance; or
- You did previously pay a tax charge, but your revised pension input figures mean your tax position remains unchanged.
You should keep your Remedy PSS in a safe place for your records.
Remedy PSS FAQ's
The Remedy PSS FAQ's will answer some key questions about your Remedy PSS.