This page contains information about transferring in benefits from a previous pension scheme into the Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Schemes (NICSPS) and transferring your pension out of the NICSPS.

Transfers in

There are two types of transfers into the Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Schemes (NICSPS); Club Transfers and Non-Club Transfers.

The Public Sector Transfer Club (the ‘Club’)

More usually known as the Club, the Public Sector Transfer Club is a group of 120 final salary occupational pension schemes. It allows easier movement of staff within the public sector.

What is the purpose of the club?

The club consists of a number of final salary occupational pension schemes that have agreed reciprocal transfer arrangements. Final salary schemes provide pension benefits based on your reckonable service and pensionable earnings at or near the date you leave the scheme. The club offers those who move between club schemes the opportunity to transfer pension benefits on special terms. In general, when you transfer your pension benefits between club schemes, you will receive a broadly equivalent service credit in the new scheme, regardless of any increase in salary on moving.

If you are a scheme trustee or manager and you are interested in becoming part of the Public Sector Transfer Club take a look through the following resources. Alternatively, for further information you can contact

Non-club transfers

Further information about joining the Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension schemes can be found on the following pages:

TV1 Form to request an estimate of the value of transferred in pension;

If you would like more information on non-club and club transfers, please contact our Transfer section, you can find their number in the contact us section.

Suspension of Cash Equivalent Transfer Values (CETV) calculations.

As a result of the change announced on 30 March 2023 to the discount rate used for public service pensions, the factors used to calculate transfer values for non-club transfers and pension on divorce are being changed with immediate effect. Suspension of Cash Equivalent Transfer Values (CETV) calculations.

Transfers out

You may want to transfer your pension to a scheme run by your new employer. If you want to do this, discuss it with your new employer. You can apply to transfer out your benefits at any age provided you have not started the administrative process of claiming your pension.

Further detailed information can be found in NICS Pension Scheme Members - Publications

In almost all cases, you can apply to transfer out your pension benefits when you leave alpha. You can apply to transfer your pension benefits to an eligible scheme, whether you have a preserved pension, or whether you are leaving with less than two years’ service:

Restrictions to Transferring Out

On 13 January 2015 the NI Assembly agreed a motion to implement some restrictions in the Northern Ireland public service pension schemes with regard to transfers:

Important - Protect yourself from scams - The Pension Regulator Website has some very useful information to help protect yourself from becoming a victim of a scam. Read this before you decide to transfer your pension benefits. 


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