Services Provided by CPD
Role of CPD
CPD has teams of professionally qualified staff providing expert advice to the NI departments and arm's length bodies.
Our staff are informed on markets, new technology and trends - we add value to government projects.
The services we provide act as enablers to the Programme for Government outcomes, impacting on the lives of citizens.
The role of our procurement and project delivery experts includes:
- helping the client clearly define what they need
- advising on the best method of finding a supplier
- taking it to the marketplace to obtain best value
- assisting in managing the contract
CPD is committed to ensuring that small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have the widest possible access to government opportunities.
CPD Business Plan 2023-2024
Our business objectives for 2023-2024
CPD Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
This is how we measure our services.
CPD Divisions
CPD has six divisions:
- Construction Division
- Policy & Performance Division
- Property Services Division
- Supplies & Services Division
- Properties Division
- Commercial Delivery Group
Examples of CPD projects
CPD works with a wide range of clients across the NI public sector. It may be helpful to view some examples of our recent projects, to understand the work we do.
Find out more about public procurement in the NI public sector
Follow the Procurement topic to access a wide range of information, including:
- tips on how to start competing for public sector contracts
- procurement pipeline information
- best practice information for contractors working in the construction industry
- guidance for public sector customers on how to engage with CPD, including lists of existing framework arrangements available for use and Procurement Policy Notes