It also supports the Procurement Board in the development of Procurement Policy Notes for the NI public sector and monitors the impact of policy. PPD may also develop good practice guidance when required to support policy.
The Division has several branches, as described below:
Procurement Policy Branch
This branch works closely with public procurement officials in the NI Centres of Procurement Expertise and other jurisdictions, to ensure best practice in public procurement policy.
PPB works with government departments to ensure that public procurement policy is up to date and effective. The branch works closely with officials at the Cabinet Office, Scotland and Wales on matters of mutual interest.
Information Management Branch
This branch provides ICT support for staff across all the CPD divisions, and supports the running of the eTendersNI portal on behalf of the NI public sector.
Business Planning and Co-ordination Branch
This branch provides a wide range of support services across all the CPD divisions, including records management, expert advice on FOI and data protection, website and intranet publishing, business continuity planning and co-ordination of Private Office correspondence and departmental returns.