Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Board (NICSPB)

In accordance with the agreed Terms of Reference for the Pension Board, the Board will report annually on its work, providing assurance as required and ensuring the effective administration of the scheme.

About the Board

The Board is responsible for assisting the Scheme Manager (the Department of Finance) in the effective administration of the Civil Service (Northern Ireland) pension arrangements and assisting the Department in securing compliance with:

  • the pension scheme regulations and other legislation relating to the governance and administration of the scheme
  • requirements imposed by the Pensions Regulator

What the NICSPB does not do

The NICSPB has no role in setting scheme policy in terms of how scheme benefits are calculated, or what contributions employers or members pay. The Northern Ireland Executive is responsible for setting Northern Ireland Civil Service pensions policy. View information about the role of the Department of Finance in the management of the Northern Ireland Civil Service pension schemes.

The NICSPB has three nominees each from employers who participate in the scheme and employee representatives. It has two non-voting members and is chaired by an independent chairperson.

Current NICSPB members

The current members are:

  • Bumper Graham (Independent Chairperson) 
  • Brian Quinn (DE) - Employer Nominee
  • Michael Cowan (DoJ) - Employer Nominee
  • Gary Fair (TEO) - Employer Nominee
  • Sheila Ward (DOF) - Shadow Employer Nominee
  • Maria Morgan (NIPSA) - Employee Nominee
  • Laurence McCann (FDA) – Employee Nominee
  • Joanne Veighey (NIPSA) - Employee Nominee
  • Finvola Harkin (DoF - Policy and Legislation) non-voting representative
  • Olivia McMenamy (Finance) non-voting representative

Finding out more about the NICSPB

Each year, the NICSPB will publish a review of its work for the year. You can find a link to the Annual Report on this page.

Contacting the NICSPB

The NICSPB is always interested in getting feedback or comments from scheme members and employers alike. If there is anything that you would want to say to the NICSPB please email:

Terms of Reference

Minutes of the NICSPB meetings

Annual Reports

Annual Workplan

Learning Log

NICS Pension Board Conflicts of Interest Policy 

Roles and Responsibilities of the NICSPB Secretariat


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