NICS Pension Schemes Members - Publications
Pension scheme information guides
Scheme guides
Scheme overview
- Key Features of the NICS Pension Schemes
- Overview of the NICS pension schemes and comparisons with alpha
Boosting pensions
- Added pension for classic, classic plus, premium, nuvos and alpha
- Northern Ireland Civil Service Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme (NICSAVCS)
- Stakeholder pensions
Leaving before retirement age
- Leaving before pension age with 2 or more years' service
- Leaving nuvos before pension age with less than 2 years' service
- Leaving alpha - Section 4 of the alpha scheme guide
- classic ill-health retirement pension benefits
- classic plus and premium ill-health retirement pension benefits
- nuvos ill-health retirement pension benefits
- alpha ill-health retirement pension benefits - Section 5
- Partial retirement - a guide for scheme members
Age retirement
- classic retirement benefits
- classic plus retirement benefits
- nuvos retirement benefits
- premium retirement benefits
- alpha
- Thinking about retirement
Other issues
- An Introduction to Effective Pension Age (EPA)
- Opting out form and factsheet
- Automatic enrolment sheet
- What is abatement?
- Injury benefits scheme
- Death benefits and tax - a guide for personal representatives
- Pension choices booklet - alpha or partnership
- Pensions and divorce, dissolution or annulment
- Pensions for Partners: A guide
- Public Sector Transfer Club
- Your pension and tax - How the tax rules may affect you
- CWP1 - How your pension is worked out
- CWP2 - Part-time, term-time and seasonal working
- CWP3 - Change in working patterns - flexible and shift working
- CWP4 - Career breaks
- CWP5 - Special leave, maternity, paternity and adoption leave, parental leave and time off for dependants